Sunday 26 November 2023

Advent wreath

In my last blog post I showed some Advent wreaths from previous years, that I had made.
Since it´s such a nice tradition and I also like to craft with my kids, I decided to make one also this year.

The kids had found some horse chestnust and snail shells earlier and I got an idea that we could use them in the wreath. To make them a bit more festive and christmassy, I gave glitter glues to the kids and asked them to decorate the chestnuts with them.

I´m not a big fan of bling bling, but the glitter gave just a bit of the needed touch for the decoration and they did not turn out too kitchy (in my opinion) ;) 

I attached the chestnuts by drilling a hole to them and sticking a toothpick inside. In this way it´s easy to apply to the wreath and you don´t need a glue for this.

a bought set of candles for each advent

The candle holders I had saved from previous years.
I try to reuse things as much as I can or by second hand.
It´s not necessary to always buy everything new! Second hand shops are usually full od christmas decorations before christmas and you can use them also as a material for something else!

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