Friday 10 November 2023


Ok folks, almost 10 years have past since my last blog post, so maybe it´s time to start again. 
What should I say.. life happened.
There were so many changes in my life after the last post, that I somehow lost myself in between and could´t concentrate on blogging anymore. Although I really loved it.

So I will start by telling what happened in between.

I broke up from a really long relationship. Soon after this happened, suddenly I found the love of my life, the missing part, my soulmate (so cheesy, I know. But - true). But really the one person, that I just knew is the right one for me. And the feeling was mutual.

I became a mother three kids: twins (a boy and  girl) were born in 2016 we got another girl in 2019.
The life with the kids has been so overwehelming, that I just almost stopped doing all the things I love: sewing and upcycling and blogging. As it often happens (I heard) amongst mothers, they forget themselves while concentrating on their kids and family...and it´s just freaking hard, just to somehow get through the days with small kids! ;) Also, I lost my job, which was not a bad 

Now, finally, the kids are getting bigger and I feel that I can start doing these things again.
I need this to keep sane. It brings be so much joy to be able to create things with my own hands.

Since the Christmas time is getting closer, I will post a few photos of Advent wreaths that I have made earlier. I didn´t make these from a scratch, so I had the basis ready, where I just added the decorations.
Hopefully I will manage to make one also this year ;)

I really like this tradition in Austria, it starts the awaiting for Christmas. You light up a new candle every Advent. The first Advent this year is on Sunday 3th of December. From then on, you light another candle each Sunday until the 24th. We didn´t have this habit in Finland, but something similar. When I was a child, we used to have a candle with all the dates of December until the 24th, and we would burn the candle each day a bit. It was a nice way to see, how many days there were left until Christmas.

The Christmas time has become a bit more special for me after having kids. I was always somehow a christmas person, but now it´s more about doing the preparations together. We do handicrafts, decorations, cards, small presents and bake cookies.. The kids are always very excited and it gives me a lot of joy to do this together, pass on traditions and learn new things to them.

Are you a Christmas person and what kind of traditions do you have?

P.S: I noticed recently, that I accidentially deleted some photos of my earlier posts and I´m figuring out the way to get them back. That´s why some of the posts are missing photos.. sorry about that.